Keep Fit This South African Summer

Keep Fit This South African Summer

Published by Fizique on 6th Dec 2019

From Afropunk Johannesburg to Bushfire Festival – there’s plenty to do during summer in South Africa. Whatever your plans might be, you should never neglect your physical health.

This is especially true when considering the extreme temperatures that are common in South Africa around this time.
So, now the question arises: how to stay fit during summer? It all starts with nutrition. When temperatures are high the number one priority should be hydration. Even though this goes without saying, often times people will underestimate just how quickly summer heat makes one dehydrate. The best course of action is to use a large water bottle. It should have higher than usual capacities, about 2 liters should suffice. If you don’t have a bottle like this, there are some available at
The next step is about the meals you eat during the day. You want to stay away from large portions with lots of carbohydrates and calories. This has multiple reasons. First of all, having to digest large amounts of food will inevitably raise your body temperature, which contributes to you overheating (exactly what we don’t want!). The second reason concerns you staying in shape. If you eat heavy meals, your body will spend lots of time and energy on digesting. During this period, you are unable to reach your full power when working out. Moreover, you’ll be exhausted a lot faster than if you didn’t have all that food in your stomach.
What then is the solution? Try to move away from a schedule with three large meals. Instead, it’s recommended to consume five to six smaller portions. As far as diet is concerned, you should mix as many fruits and vegetables in as possible. Not only do they keep your digestive system running, some of them (apples for example) also allow you to feel full for up to three or four hours.
In addition, you should substitute heavy red meats with lean meats like turkey and chicken. Shrimp and tilapia are also more than viable options. These foods are full of protein and crucial nutrients, so that your muscles can perform at their best. Another helpful tip: plan your meals beforehand! This way, you can prevent feeling hungry and unsatisfied throughout the day.
Planning should not end with meals. Always make sure to get enough sleep. While this is important year – round, it’s especially imperative to be aware of this fact when it is hot outside and you are exercising during the day. The hot weather is very taxing on you as it is, combine that with working out and if you’re not careful, these are the perfect circumstances for disaster.
But not to worry: If you follow the tips above – keeping an eye on nutrition and sleep – you can use the summer to get in shape and do so safely – and there is no reason you can’t also enjoy some of the many festivities that South Africa has to offer.
At Fizique we have to focal points: the first is to help you get into shape. Whatever your goal is (perhaps losing weight, or maybe bulking up), you’ll always find equipment over at our online shop that’s just right for you. In case you require further reading, we got you covered with books, that will guide you through the process.
However, we believe this is only half the message. It is important to us, that you not only achieve the body you dream of – but stay healthy in the process. It is our core conviction that a lifestyle built on these two pillars can make anyone Fit for Life!
Please note Fizique does not offer medical advice and as such you should always consult your dietician or physician for a custom plan for your specific goals.

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